🏅Loyalty Program
Earn Loyalty Points for discounted trading fees.
Loyalty points are earned through trades on Blockswap. The more points you generate, the more you save on trade fees. Additional benefits and rewards will be provided through the loyalty point program in the future.
View your points, rank, fee reduction, and points multiplier by clicking 🎁Loyalty
or use the/loyalty
Point Tiers
All users of Blockswap start out at the Sparkle ✨ level and increase to higher tiers as they earn more points, as you progress your fee's are reduced.
Point Criteria
First Time Users (Onboarding Rewards)
Joining the bot: 5,000 Points
First Trade: 10,000 Points (extra)
Base Points (Volume)
$1 = 1 Point
(i.e. $50 trade = 50 points, $1000 trade = 1,000 points)
Last updated